Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Lazy days. Losing track of the time. The only number keeping me alive is those 85 until graduation. Thank the lord.

High school should just teach all of the required information for life... not all the extra crap. Honestly, I don't think I've learned any of my knowledge this year from school. I've just gotten really good at BS-ing things and getting good grades for them. Not only will I be graduating with my high school diploma, but a degree in High School Bull-Shitting.

Amidst writing an English essay, downloading some chill music.

30 days without facebook on Saturday? Here's the conclusions I have come to without facebook...

1) It is almost impossible to network: meaning that I'm constantly meeting new people, with no way of contacting them, ever.

2) You spend a lot more of your time on the computer being productive: unimaginable, I know. I've applied for numerous scholarships and composed emails. Also browsed the web researching for "fun."

3) You could care less about what others are up to: it's slightly less depressing to not have all those statuses about how much fun people had at concerts you wish you went to.

4) Post-addiction you often catch yourself typing "facebo..." into your web-browser, before pressing backspace.

5) People aren't obsessed with your life! Post something on facebook and you're bound to hear about it the next day.

More to come, but for now... that essay is calling my name.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Last night a DJ saved my life

I forgot how much I love disco skating! I went with Maddie M. and Jessie last night. We all attempted at dressing up. My outfit was pretty badass. We decided I looked like a polygamist figure skater.

Don't even bother calling me on Saturday nights anymore, I'm gonna be disco skating.

On Friday night I got a peacock feather extension put into my hair. I'm not all the way used to it because it's tugging on my scalp a little bit, but it's pretty rad.

Got a crap load of homework to do tonight because I put it off all week and weekend. Kill me. See ya later.

My favorite disco song...

Friday, March 4, 2011


I hate the radio anymore. Maybe because I listen to NOTHING. I like my dubstep, my Weezy, and my Beatles. That is all.

I'm sitting here half naked at the computer as I slurp (such an ugly word) on my Sonic happy hour vanilla coke. My vice.

Looking into a new car. COLLEGE car. My dream would be a white Mazda2 or Mazda 3 hatchback... but I doubt that'll be happenin.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I want to graduate... TODAY.
I want to hike the red rocks.
I want my CNA.
I want to start working in the clinic.
I want cash flow.
I want to meet new people.
I want to go to Vegas for the weekend cause I felt like it.
I want gossipy high school girls to fall off the edge of the planet.
I want track to be over.
I want my new laptop.
I want to go cliff jumping.
I want to yell off the side of a mountain.
I want to sleep all day and never wake up.
I NEED to do my homework.
I NEED to go to class.
I NEED to do two more packets.

Empty brain-flow for the day.